Denmark's leading direct marketing agency.
Since 2007, Storm Group has been the place for passionate people who are passionate about working with marketing and people. We are characterized by ambition and a constant desire to grow – both as people and as a company. We have room for creative thoughts, and our everyday life is characterized by an informal and smiling atmosphere. We currently have more than 100 ambitious employees spread across our 10 offices in Denmark. Here, you can meet some of them.
Meet Our
Get to know the talented individuals behind Storm Group..
During his extensive years of management experience, Jeppe has built up an impressive track record within, among other things, strategy execution and employee development. With a talented team, Jeppe sets an inspiring direction for Storm.
Rasmus is the company's founder and the brains behind our education model, MMD. In addition, he is a serial entrepreneur with numerous international companies on his CV as well as management training from IMD Business School in Switzerland.
Torben is the founder of Storm Group and an entrepreneur with a real hands-on mindset. He has led the development of one of the Nordics' best sales systems, StormLive, and is responsible for finance, governance and compliance in the Storm Group.
Mads is a star example of our education program. He started as a trainee back at the beginning of Storm and now sits as COO and Partner. Mad's focus is particularly on optimizing onboarding, quality assurance and employee development.
Caroline has a background in PR and Marketing Campaigns from CBS, and has worked with everything from the fashion industry to political communication. Now she is the creative brain behind our marketing and communication initiatives.
Niklas is the drive behind our HR, employer branding and recruitment strategies. He is passionate about finding the very best talents for our teams and is determined to position Storm Group as one of the country's very best workplaces.
From his start in Storm, Frederik has excelled through our development program and shown great focus. Today he is Sales Director and runs the Roskilde and Næstved offices. And then his energy and irrepressible motivation rub off on everyone around him.
Christoffer was previously our Country Head in Sweden, but now we are lucky enough to have him as head of our Copenhagen office. The key to his successes is practice and hard work, which he carried over from his time in elite basketball.
Caroline is sharp at organizing and structuring information, which is strongly expressed when she quality-assures campaigns and customer experiences at storm every day. Her great passion for culture and literature is also expressed with a background as a M.Sc. mag. in English and Media Studies.
Martin is truly the company's problem-buster. He has built the entire Storm Group's reporting system, is our very own Excel Einstein and delivers data to management about KPIs, quality and performance every day.
We're always looking for talent!
Take a look at our careers page to become part of the team and help us make a difference.
Socialt ansvar
Hos Storm Group bestræber vi os på at gøre en positiv forskel hver dag - for vores klienter og vores omverden. Social ansvarlighed og ordentlighed er nøgleord for os.
Vores medarbejdere er vores vigtigste ressource. Derfor er vores mål at skabe et fantastisk arbejdsmiljø med ægte arbejdsglæde. Det kræver, at vi lægger reel handling bag vores værdier, stoler på vores medarbejdere og samtidigt tilbyder en platform, hvor alle uanset køn, etnicitet og baggrund kan udvikle sig, skabe karriere og ikke mindst have det sjovt. I de senere år har vi modtaget Great Place to Work certificeringen, som dokumenterer vores fokus og resultater.
Vi er velovervejede i forhold til vores klienter og samarbejdspartnere. Vi stræber efter at arbejde med virksomheder, der deler vores værdier om bæredygtig, etisk og socialt ansvarlig forretningsførsel. Vi bygger på at skabe langvarige partnerskaber med virksomheder, der arbejder for en positiv forskel og indvirkning på omverdenen. Gennem denne tilgang sikrer vi, at vores forretning ikke blot er økonomisk succesfuld, men også etisk forsvarlig og bæredygtig.
Storm Group engagerer sig aktivt i at støtte lokale og nationale initiativer, der bidrager til en bedre verden. Vi tror på direct marketing som en personlig og bæredygtig form for markedsføring, og vi arbejder kontinuerligt på at minimere vores miljømæssige fodaftryk ved at løbende optimere vores aktiviteter. Dette indebærer energieffektivisering i vores kontorer, reduktion af papirforbrug, transportmæssig effektivisering og fremme af digital kommunikation.
We have represented
Great Place to Work
We know that our most important resource is our employees. Therefore, our foremost task is to ensure that our employees look forward to coming to work every single day. That's why in spring 2023, we took the initiative to be evaluated based on criteria from GPTW, which includes equality, fairness, care, and development opportunities.
100% of our employees believe that management is competent in leading the workplace.
100% of the employees express that they look forward to coming to work.