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Kickstart your career

At Storm Group, we believe in “Never Stop Growing.”
This means that your personal and professional development is at the forefront — from day 1. With you, you have an absolutely world-class team! Read more about how it is expressed below.

Never Stop Growing

Open Positions

Discover our open job positions at Storm Group all over Denmark.

Sales Consultant
Herning, Aalborg, Aarhus, Viborg, Kolding, Odense, Roskilde, Næstved, Hillerød eller København
Som Team Leader i Storm Group har jeg lært balancegangen som beslutningstager og en støttende lederfigur, hvilket har styrket min evne til at skabe tryghed og retning for mit team. At se mennesker udvikle sig og lykkes – fagligt som personligt – er uden tvivl den største motivation og drivkraft i mit arbejde.

Nicoline Kirkegaard

Team Leader

Alle lærer på forskellige måder og i forskellige tempo, derfor er det vigtigt, at man tilpasser den træning og oplæring til den bestemte person. Jeg bruger min MMD til at oplære folk og skræddersy den træning, som de har behov for.

Mikkel Kronow

Team Leader

I min stilling som Sales Director i Storm Group har jeg muligheden for at møde ind hver dag omringet at ambitiøse fantastiske mennesker og i et agilt og dynamisk miljø. Det kræver hurtige men velovervejede beslutninger, strategisk tænkning og evnen til at motivere og inspirere ens team til at være den bedste udgave af dem selv.

Frederik Axel Madsen

Regional Partner

Min rejse i Storm har uden tvivl været enestående. Det er i høj grad min MMD uddannelse og de mest fantastiske kollegaer, der har klædt mig godt på til at kunne opnå mine mål. Jeg havde aldrig drømt om, at jeg kunne udvikle mig, på den måde som jeg har gjort her. På grund af den udvikling, er jeg i løbet af få år endt som hovedansvarlig på at opbygge to nye kontorer fra bunden.

Maher Sadek

Regional Manager

Development opportunities

At Storm Group, you have the opportunity to build a sales career from scratch. We believe that everyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation and educational level, has the opportunity to create an impressive career in sales and management. That is why we have created the development program MMD, which in short is a comprehensive training in direct sales, coaching and management. Totally free and straight to the CV!

Social environment

A position at Storm Group is more than just a job! We believe that a strong social connection produces the happiest colleagues and the best results. That's why we prioritize both time and finances for everything from Friday bars to national gala events and professional training trips to both home and abroad. In a 2023 culture survey, 100% of our employees responded that they are looking forward to coming to work. We are VERY proud of that!

Our development program

Marketing Management Development

With our internal development program, MMD, you can develop skills, develop skills and climb the career ladder in sales and management. You will gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of both sales techniques and the psychology behind it.

MMD1 Sales Consultant

During the start-up period as a Sales Consultant, you will get to know our systems and theories, and you will learn to master your mindset. The focus of your development and learning is, among other things, quality, sales techniques, and the right mentality.


MMD2 Sales Coach

The next step is Sales Coach. This is where you begin to expand your responsibilities and become an important partner for the company's managers. Your knowledge now builds on experience with facts and systems, and you learn to coach your colleagues through support and by setting good examples.


MMD3 Team Leader

As a Team Leader, there is a full focus on taking responsibility and learning how to build, organize and develop our teams. You do this with a strong focus on good techniques and values that you have experienced yourself.


MMD4 Regional Manager

As a Regional Manager, you will have responsibilities within recruitment, administration and regional management. Here you will learn how to create a culture and maintain good long-term client relationships.


MMD5 Sales Director

Now you have reached the top step as Sales Director. It's time to seriously take care of clients, divisions and employee development.You will learn how to manage budgets, develop future leaders and quality-ensure our processes.


Apply now

Kickstart your career and get a unique opportunity to learn a lot about yourself. Meet new people and gain some valuable tools in sales and communication. Are you our new colleague?

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