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More about our local offices

At Storm Group, we understand the importance of having a local presence. With offices spread across Denmark, we make it easy for our customers and employees to get in touch with us. Our local teams are dedicated to delivering exceptional sales and marketing campaigns, ensuring our clients' brands get the attention they deserve.

Office Locations

Vesterbro 21B
9000 Aalborg
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Bødker Balles Gård 15A
8000 Aarhus C
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Bredgade 45
7400 Herning
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Nordre Jernbanevej 37
3400 Hillerød
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Haderslevvej 36
6000 Kolding
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Østergade 27, 5. sal
1100 København K
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Ringstedgade 24, 2 sal
4700 Næstved
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Kochsgade 31D
5000 Odense C
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Industrivej 21
4000 Roskilde
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Toldboden 3, 1. Sal D, Lokale 1
8800 Viborg
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Life at Storm

Experience the atmosphere at Storm Group around Denmark

Why direct marketing?

We are proud to represent and help growing NGOs and companies thrive through customized marketing campaigns.

Increase the visibility of your brand

Increase sales and drive business growth

Build strong and personal customer relationships

Som Team Leader i Storm Group har jeg lært balancegangen som beslutningstager og en støttende lederfigur, hvilket har styrket min evne til at skabe tryghed og retning for mit team. At se mennesker udvikle sig og lykkes – fagligt som personligt – er uden tvivl den største motivation og drivkraft i mit arbejde.

Nicoline Kirkegaard

Team Leader

Alle lærer på forskellige måder og i forskellige tempo, derfor er det vigtigt, at man tilpasser den træning og oplæring til den bestemte person. Jeg bruger min MMD til at oplære folk og skræddersy den træning, som de har behov for.

Mikkel Kronow

Team Leader

I min stilling som Sales Director i Storm Group har jeg muligheden for at møde ind hver dag omringet at ambitiøse fantastiske mennesker og i et agilt og dynamisk miljø. Det kræver hurtige men velovervejede beslutninger, strategisk tænkning og evnen til at motivere og inspirere ens team til at være den bedste udgave af dem selv.

Frederik Axel Madsen

Regional Partner

Min rejse i Storm har uden tvivl været enestående. Det er i høj grad min MMD uddannelse og de mest fantastiske kollegaer, der har klædt mig godt på til at kunne opnå mine mål. Jeg havde aldrig drømt om, at jeg kunne udvikle mig, på den måde som jeg har gjort her. På grund af den udvikling, er jeg i løbet af få år endt som hovedansvarlig på at opbygge to nye kontorer fra bunden.

Maher Sadek

Regional Manager

Storm Group

Never Stop


Find answers to frequently asked questions about Direct Marketing, our client work, and life as an employee at Storm Group.

How does Direct Marketing work?

Our core service is Direct Marketing, which involves face-to-face sales at selected locations around the country.

Why Direct Marketing?

With Direct Marketing, we have the opportunity to create a significant relationship and meet the customers at eye level. Based on our research on our clients' target groups prior to the campaign, the exposure is optimally targeted. In addition, face-to-face marketing is an incredibly cost-effective communication channel, and thus creates the greatest possible value for our clients.

Which industries do we work with?

We work with a wide range of both commercial and non-commercial brands.

What does workingat Storm Group look like?

As a Sales Consultant in Storm Group, you will be assigned to one of our 10 offices around the country. While the sales work takes place at locations, weekly meetings and your MMD training take place with your team in the office. Our back office is located in Aarhus and Copenhagen.

What are the opportunities at Storm Group?

At Storm Group, we look at your potential rather than your CV. At Storm Group we believe in "Never Stop Growing". This means that your personal and professional development is paramount - already from day 1, when you get good tools with you through your work and your MMD education.

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