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CA A-kasse

En partner i din karriereudvikling

Storm Group udarbejdede en målrettet direct marketing-kampagne, skræddersyet til at adressere de forskellige behov og bekymringer, som målgruppen måtte have i forhold til økonomisk tryghed og karriereudvikling, og hvordan CA A-kasse kunne støtte dem. Kampagnen resulterede i en betydelig stigning i nye medlemskaber, og en stærk forbindelse mellem CA A-kasse og potentielle medlemmer. Denne personlige og målrettede tilgang viste sig som en effektiv måde at opbygge tillid og engagement og øge konverteringen af nye medlemmer.
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Lyser Danmark op

OK er et af Danmarks mest genkendelige brands, som forbrugerne forbinder med troværdige produkter til fair priser - leveret med et glimt i øjet. Der er sket meget siden stiftelsen. Først solgte OK kul, men i dag tilbyder de en bred vifte af vedvarende energiprodukter til erhverv, industri, landbrug, det offentlige og private kunder. OK har i de senere år øget fokus på elektricitetsområdet, med opkøb, øget salg og tilføjelse af nye produktkategorier. Storm Group er blevet udpeget som strategisk partner indenfor dialogsalg, som udgør en central del af OK's vækstplaner indenfor deres private kundesegment. Den agilitet OK udviser indenfor innovative og langsigtede el-løsninger sætter Storm en ære i at lægge for dagen i vores arbejde med OK.
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Børns Vilkår

No child should feel alone

Børns Vilkår fights to ensure that no child in Denmark is let down – neither by their closest adults nor by society. An important part of the work at Børns Vilkår is their free and anonymous advice to children and young people in Denmark - around the clock - on both BørneTelefonen and Hørt. BørneTelefonen and Hørt are the children's line for advice, comfort or just an adult who has time to listen. All who support Børns Vilkår with a voluntary contribution, helps to ensure that the organization can help even more neglected children who have no one else to talk to.
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A greener future for our planet

Greenpeace is the world's largest independent environmental organization and has worked for over 50 years to give our amazing planet a voice. There are many aspects to contributing to a more sustainable future, and our client, Greenpeace contributes to this in many ways with their projects around the world. Every donation means you're helping Greenpeace maintain a sustainable future, from everything to protecting wildlife, our oceans and our climate.
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In-store campaign for Australias media-mogul

Streaming services such as Netflix and HBO have put pressure on the classic broadcast media for a long time. For Foxtel in Australia, this resulted in them wanting to hit hard again in the battle for customers in 2019. With our experience and insights from in-store campaigns in Scandinavia, Storm designed a campaign in the retail chain Harvey Norman. This put the customers in a buying situation where they choose a TV and prioritize between quality and price. In the same event, Storm's consultants were able to introduce the new 4k technology from Foxtel's new IQ4 system.
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Marley Spoon

Hungry for meal boxes on the other side of the world

Meal boxes are a global megatrend and the Australian market has already seen several innovative players join the battle for customers' appetites. Marley Spoon wanted to consolidate its position and further challenge the market leader by entering with a larger and more structured dialog marketing agency – Storm Group. In connection with the rollout of their new menu and launch in three new states, we established a joint strategy apparatus which ensured a constant focus on growth, quality and customer experiences.
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Tættere på dig

Den personlige forbindelse og gennemsigtighed for forbrugerne var omdrejningspunktet, da Storm Group repræsenterede Elektron gennem direct marketing kampagner i Danmark. Kampagnerne resulterede i øget interesse i bæredygtig energi og tillid kunder, som værdsatte Elektrons personlige og troværdige tilgang. Storm Groups indsats styrkede Elektrons position som et pålideligt og nærværende valg i markedet for bæredygtig energi.
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Kræftens Bekæmpelse

Summer Tour for Kræftens Bekæmpelse

The Swedish Cancer Society works strategically with the development of their recruitment channels and therefore the choice fell on Storm Group as a supplier of fundraising consultants. The collaboration started with a structured tour through the Danish country, where we focused on the Cancer Fight. In July and August 2018, our consultants welcomed well over 1,000 new donors. Due to the significant spike in the number of new members, cooperation continued after the summer and we have therefore had the opportunity to contribute over 17,000 new members.
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Smiles and loyality on open sea with Scandlines

Danskerne elsker at rejse. Særligt i sommermånederne benytter vi bilen og færgerne flittigt, hvilket gav Scandlines blod på tanden for at øge antallet af medlemmer i deres loyalitetsprogram i sommerferiens højsæson. Storm Group blev engagereret som dialogpartner, og ombord færgerne under sejladsen sørgede vi for en attraktiv introduktion som medlem af SMILE. Kampagnen forløb i juni 2017 og skaffede lige knap 5,000 nye medlemmer.
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Customer engagement on the health wave

Many Nordic start-ups choose a digitally focused sales and marketing strategy – the costs are low and the agility is top notch. But by adding a face-to-face pilot to its marketing mix, TakeDaily was able to focus ultra-sharp on its target audience: active people aged 25-45. We met the target group in gyms, where TakeDaily set up dietitian-trained sales consultants who completed a short survey, which resulted in a vitamin and supplement recommendation. TakeDaily experienced increased growth in the areas involved and most importantly: Profitable and loyal customers, due to the optimal target group match.
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Around Danish airports with SAS EuroBonus

Scandinavian Airlines is a well-known brand. But their loyalty program, SAS EuroBonus, is still unknown to many travelers. It offers attractive offers and services for its members. Storm designed a rotation plan that took our consultants around to Denmark's major airports, as well as selected travel and lifestyle fairs where the target group travels. The customers were greeted with an extraordinary competition where you could win 100,000 points. This gave rise to a marked growth in EuroBonus registrations, as well as permissions to key partners.
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Cheers and welcome to your new wine subscription

The 2010s have seen countless new, subscription-based businesses spring up. At Winefamly, the choice fell naturally on Storm Group, when it was necessary to choose a brand activation and marketing partner. We jointly designed a mini-wine tasting, which opened up the conversation: What is really good wine and where do we buy it? The sales consultants poured nice, cool white wine and informed potential members about the special introductory price and the option to purchase a special gift box.
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I kampen for at skabe klimabevidsthed

Længe før klimakrisen var en alment kendt problemstilling var CARE Danmark vært for en offentlig fotoudstilling på Kgs. Nytorv i København og Store Torv i Aarhus. Den prisvindende naturfotograf Yann Arthus-Bertrand dokumenterede i udstilling “100 Places” en række af de mest truede steder i verden. I direkte relation til udstillingen repræsenterede Storm Group CARE og fortalte om den forskel, som organisationen gør i de zoner, der rammes hårdest af klimaforandringer. Titusindvis af gæster fik en bedre forståelse af emnet, og de der havde største interesse havde muligheden for at indmelde sig på stedet og modtage en coffee table-bog som velkomstgave.
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Introducere Vattenfalls topledelse for deres kunder

Vattenfall er et af Europas største energiselskaber. De er 100 % ejet af den svenske stat. Organisationen leverer el, varme og gas og står selv for hele værdikæden fra produktion til distribution. Field marketing-workshop med Vattenfalls topledelse for at styrke implementeringen af deres nye virksomhedsstrategi med fokus på customer centricity. Storm faciliterede workshoppen, som startede med en teoretisk gennemgang af salgsteknikker, kommunikation og coaching. Derefter blev ledernes evner for salg og kundeservice sat på en prøve i en praktisk øvelse, hvor de skulle interagere med rigtige kunder i Mall of Scandinavia.
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Who is Storm Group?

We are a leading direct marketing agency. We develop and deliver cutting-edge sales and marketing campaigns. We are creatives, brand ambassadors and leaders who are passionate about the brands we represent.




Years of experience


Offices in Denmark

Client testimonials

Here's what our previous clients say about the work Storm is providing

Linn Rejström

Director of Business Intelligence

Vi ønsker at vores medarbejdere har større fokus på kunderne, og det betyder naturligvis, at vi skal ’walk the talk’. Det var vores motivation bag dette unikke ledelsesevent, hvor vi lærte mere om vores eget produkt og desuden om, hvad vi kan tilbyde vores kunder

Ashleigh Becker

Head of Acquisition

Marley Spoon
Storm's innovative approach to direct marketing gave us a unique position in the market. With their agility and vision, we now look forward to rolling out the campaign on a national level


Find answers to frequently asked questions about Direct Marketing, our client work, and life as an employee at Storm Group.

How does Direct Marketing work?

Our core service is Direct Marketing, which involves face-to-face sales at selected locations around the country.

Why Direct Marketing?

With Direct Marketing, we have the opportunity to create a significant relationship and meet the customers at eye level. Based on our research on our clients' target groups prior to the campaign, the exposure is optimally targeted. In addition, face-to-face marketing is an incredibly cost-effective communication channel, and thus creates the greatest possible value for our clients.

Which industries do we work with?

We work with a wide range of both commercial and non-commercial brands.

What does workingat Storm Group look like?

As a Sales Consultant in Storm Group, you will be assigned to one of our 10 offices around the country. While the sales work takes place at locations, weekly meetings and your MMD training take place with your team in the office. Our back office is located in Aarhus and Copenhagen.

What are the opportunities at Storm Group?

At Storm Group, we look at your potential rather than your CV. At Storm Group we believe in "Never Stop Growing". This means that your personal and professional development is paramount - already from day 1, when you get good tools with you through your work and your MMD education.

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Storm Group

Never Stop